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Sustainability in Tana

Tana contributes to a more sustainable world by offering equipment and solutions for solid waste management. Our offering aims to sustainability targets that are related to e.g. environmental efficiency, getting energy from waste materials and reduction of CO2 emissions.

Environmental policy includes designing, producing, distributing and operating TANA machines.

Commitment to sustainability

Responsibility is guided by the company strategy and values. Our operations and activities are based on compliance with laws and regulations, as well as with ethically acceptable operating practices. We do things efficiently and responsibly in terms of the environment, people and the economy. Tana creates value to customers with sustainable offering and contributes to circular economy. We offer our customers product life-cycle support that ensures the best long-term environmental performance. Tana also aims to be an attractive and solid workplace, respecting human rights and equality. We expect the same from our business partners.

Our focus areas for sustainable business

Sustainable business model

Our scalable business model​ and long term partners secure excellent value/cost. We develop digital tools for productivity and provide the best customer experience.

Sustainable offering

Our products and services enable sustainable waste treatment​ with low environmental impact​. We are committed to providing our customers with products and services that are safe, efficient and reliable. We offer our customers product life-cycle support that ensures the best long-term environmental performance.

Sustainable supply chain

We optimize of material flow and facility investments​ and encourage to environmental-friendly production. We are continuously developing our management system to ensure a harmonized way to operate throughout the value chain.

Responsibility on people

Employee well-being, commitment​ and safe working environment is highly important to us. We appreciate diversity in our employees’ background, talent, insight, education and experience, and believe this contributes to our success. We do not tolerate any form of harassment or discrimination.

Responsibility on environment

We take our product portfolio towards resource efficient and low pollution model.

One Step Ahead for Better Tomorrow

Tana mamagement system certificate 2022

Environment & Quality Health & Safety

Tana is committed to responsibility and continuous improvement. Management of environmental, health and occupational safety risks is an essential part of our  management system. The well-being of personnel, a safe working environment and exemplary operation in environmental matters are factors that guide our operations. We have an extensive management system based on the SFS-ISO 9001, SFS-ISO 14001 and SFS-ISO 45001 standards.


We are committed to providing our customers with products and services that are safe, efficient and reliable. We strongly promote a safe and healthy working environment and the well-being of our employees and encourage everyone to participate in developing these areas.


Quality at Tana is that we do what we promise, give responsibility, and take responsibility for our own decisions. • We ensure and support the competence of our personnel to ensure the production of high-quality solutions. We develop new products to be competitive, reliable, and safe and we work closely with our customers to understand their needs and expectations.


We understand the environmental impact of our work and how we contribute to our mission “From Waste to Value”. We are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint throughout the value chain. We design our products and services and seek innovations that help our customers improve their environmental performance. We integrate sound environmental management principles and practices into all aspects of our business.